Food Waste Composting Machine
Turn food waste into fertilizer in 24 hours
TMK Composter is dedicated to combatting global food waste and promoting sustainability by providing automated solutions for organic waste composting. Our mission is to facilitate a circular economy where food waste from farms, restaurants, hotels, and food processing plants can be transformed into fertilizer for future food production. The organic waste treatment equipment adopts fully automated, intelligent, and standardized operation processes.
TMK develops innovative organic food waste equipment solutions for home, commercial, or industrial kitchens and factories by turning food waste into compost in just 24 hours. We provide organic food waste composting machines for a variety of commercial uses, from homes, and restaurants to large-scale institutions – from 1kgs to 300 tons per day. We are offering you a complete choice of automatic organic food waste composter.
TMK has in-house expertise in the Design, Fabrication, Supply, Installation, and commissioning of Food Waste Composting machines. We customize these solutions as per customer requirements. We cater to domestic as well as international customers. Choose from a range of TMK’s organic compost machines and organic waste converters, to convert your organic waste into high-quality compost easily. 


With a capacity to process 20 tonnes of food waste per year (50-55kg per day), the TMK-50 composting machine is suited to cope with the waste from small-scale hotels, cafes, and restaurants.


With a capacity to process 40 tonnes of food waste per year (100-110kg per day). The TMK-100 composting machine would be appropriate for managed residential buildings, restaurants, and smaller food manufacturers.


The starting point of the high-capacity machines. With a capacity to process 110 tonnes of food waste per year (300kg per day), the machine is best suited to large managed communities, upscale restaurants, hotels, and shopping centers.


A machine with a huge appetite. With a capacity to process 365 tonnes of food waste per year (1000kg per day), the machine is best suited to commercial buildings, large shopping centers, upscale hotels, and convention centers.


The largest of the standard composting machines, with a capacity to process 1825 tonnes of food waste per year (5000kg per day). The machine is for large-scale producers of food waste, such as military bases, large residential complexes, multiple commercial buildings, and large events.

Compost machines are used to process the kitchen waste into organic fertilizer. It only needs 24 hours to make waste profitable. The final product is an organic fertilizer that could be used for growing fruits, vegetables, and flowers. This machine could be fed continuously. Utilizing microbial technology, our composting machines reduce waste volume by up to 90%, decrease disposal costs, and create a nutrient-rich, reusable end product.
TMK Organic Food Waste Composting Machine is an environmentally friendly, safe, and cost-effective way to manage food waste for food producers, retailers, restaurants, composting plants, and conscious individuals. Our product line compost equipment offers a wide range of volume capability, to meet the composting needs of your large or small business.
By partnering with TMK, you can effectively address the challenge of food waste disposal while contributing to a sustainable future. Our cutting-edge compost machines streamline the recycling process, enabling the organic waste generated by your business to be converted into valuable fertilizer. Through this closed-loop approach, we strive to minimize waste and support the regenerative capacity of our agricultural systems.


TMK partners with our clients to deliver tailor-made, cost-effective, and sustainable organic food waste composting solutions.

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